We extend a cordial welcome to you to Saint Ambrose Parish, Little Hocking, Ohio. Over the years many parishioners and friends of our parish have sacrificed a great deal of time, talent, and financial support to make this holy place possible. It is a building set aside for prayer, education, and social functions and is a gift to the honor and glory of God.
We ask God's blessing on all who enter this holy place. The church is a place not only where people gather, but also a place where God gathers with us to nourish us, strengthen us and console us with His Word and His Sacraments.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated each Saturday from 4:10 till 4:40 PM and on the first Sunday of the Month at 9:10 - 9:40 AM. Call Fr. Huffman to make an appoint for other times.